In Loving Memory of Diane Dusenbury

A place to honor, remember, and celebrate.

"If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever."

· A.A. Milne

It is with our hearts full of love that we honor and cherish Diane for all she has given us. Please take the time to remember her here, and if you feel moved, please share your memories with us so we can add them here.


Here are some beautiful stories shared by friends and family:

"Our wedding day"
- Michael Mitts
"There is beauty in the simple things in life. Often, we don't truly appreciate the moments we have until they are gone. In September 2022, I walked across the street to Michael and Diane's home. That afternoon, Diane and I spent time together assembling a beautiful puzzle of a Louisiana Blue Heron.

I can't recall the specifics of our conversation that day, but I clearly remember the sense of warmth and comfort in her presence. Diane’s home was always inviting, a reflection of her kind and gentle nature.

This memory remains vivid in my heart, and every time I sit down to work on a puzzle, I find myself transported back to that peaceful, happy moment. I look forward to the next chance we get to do a puzzle again, Diane."
- Kyle Jarnagin
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